Plant Name |
Temperature |
Light |
pH |
Water |
Extra Info |
Dracaena trifasciata |
55-85 F |
Indirect sunlight. Keep hot and dry |
6 to 7 |
Water when soil is dry |
Snake plant leaves turn yellow for two reasons: overwatering and too much direct sunlight |
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii friedrichii |
50-60 F |
Bright but indirect sunlight |
4 to 6.5 |
Water when soil is dry |
After a year of growing no watering is needed during the winter season |
Phalaenopsis Orchid |
60-85 F |
Bright but indirect sunlight |
5.5 to 6.5 |
Fully soak soil every 1-2 weeks |
No direct sunlight because it is susceptible to sunburn |
Epipremnum aureum |
65-85 F |
Medium to bright indirect light |
6.1 to 6.5 |
Once a week if top two inches of soil are dry |
In spring and summer 50% of the soil can be dried before rewatering |
Crassula perforata Variegata |
50-70 F |
Direct sunlight |
6 |
Once a month or when top inch is dry |
They prefer bright and filtered sunlight |
Dumbcane Dieffenbachia |
60-80 F |
Indirect sunlight |
6.1-6.5 |
When top two inches of soil are dry |
Fast growing plant and toxic if eaten |
Bromeliaceae |
55-80 F |
Bright and indirect sunlight |
4 to 7 |
Once a week and keep soil moist |
They live for a long time but will only bloom once |
Haworthia Coarctata |
75-90 F |
Bright and indirect sunlight |
6.6 to 7.5 |
Once every 2-3 weeks let soil dry in between wateringt |
Don’t let water collect in the rosettes or they will rot |